Loan Requested now editable in the Borrowing Capacity Calculator
You can now edit the Loan Requested field in the Borrowing Capacity Calculator which adjusts the LVR field. There’s also a new field in the borrowing capacity calculator – Total Security.
This field shows a total dollar amount of assets used as security. If you have one security, this field is editable and if you have multiple securities, the total security value will appear in this field for you. To add an asset to the total security amount, tick the ‘Use as Security’ field.
We’ve also removed a step in the calculation process. If you tick ‘Use as security’ for an asset, the clearing field will automatically be ticked and hidden from view as the calculator assumes assets that will be used as securities will automatically be refinanced as part of the application.
You’ll also enjoy the updates we have made to the calculator layout – including a larger area to show the lender information and clearer servicing statuses.
You can learn more about these new Borrowing Capacity Calculator features in the Connective Wiki.